Friday, February 19, 2010

Don't Be a Turkey

There once was a turkey that had learned something wonderful for a turkey. He had learned to fly. And this turkey wanted to share his new skill so he gathered all of his turkey friends together and they had a meeting.

The meeting began and this turkey jumped onto the fence and loudly announced, “You won’t believe this I have learned to fly.” The other turkeys where amazed as they had always wanted to learn to fly. This Turkey taught all his other turkey friends how to fly, and the turkeys were thrilled. They flew high in the sky over bridges, over fields, over lakes, above trees exploring new vistas having this wonderful time. It was getting late so they all landed and the turkey that had taught them how to fly said lets close this meeting, and all of the turkeys WALKED HOME.
What is the point? The point is we learn all of these wonderful things and if we are not careful we might learn and listen, be taught good techniques, the fundamentals in this business and then


not really understanding what it means to try really hard to implement new skill sets into our business.

A mentor told me life is like a waterfall and we show up at the bottom of this waterfall with a jug to fill up on experiences.

Sometimes though we bring little cups, and sometimes we put our hands over these cups and miss a lot of what life has to offer.

We are always learning, especially in this business. Don’t be afraid to learn new things and then don’t walk home. Embrace new things and become better.

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